International Conference on the Development of Traditional Fermented Food Industries(ICDTFFI)

浏览量:137 作者: 来源: 时间:2022-12-19 【字号:

In order to promote the technical exchange of international fermented food, strength the implementation of the “one belt and one way” national strategy and expanding the cooperation in the field of traditional fermented food, China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries (CNRIFFI) and National Joint Research Center for liquor quality and safety active advocacy the international conference. 

This conference is sponsored by China Biotech Fermentation Industry Association (CBFIA), China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA), China Condiment Association (CCA), China Dairy Industry Association (CDIA), China Tea Science Society (CTSC), Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST), China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries International Joint Research Center of Quality and Safety of Alcoholic Beverages(ICAB). 

We sincerely invite experts and scholars who have made the contributions to the field of traditional food fermentation at home and abroad to review and summarize the achievements of traditional fermented food, actively display the latest frontier research and application achievements, jointly discuss the development direction of traditional fermented food, promote the innovation research and application of international traditional fermented food.
